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Urban Platform by Ubiwhere has been nominated as the best digital solution from Portugal by WSA 2021 | News - Ubiwhere



Bleeding Edge Technologies

with custom Research and Development

OCT 06 2021

Urban Platform by Ubiwhere has been nominated as the best digital solution from Portugal by WSA 2021


The Urban Platform, an innovative solution from Ubiwhere that aims to transform the future of sustainable cities, is nominated as ’’Best Digital Solution in Portugal’’ by WSA 2021.

WSA Global and APDC Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações have chosen the Ubiwhere Urban Platform project, a solution for transforming the future of sustainable cities, as the best and most innovative digital solution in Portugal in the "Government & Citizen Engagement from Portugal" category.

APDC presents the World Summit Awards Portugal 2021, an initiative that chooses and promotes the best digital content and innovative applications. The goal is to make the benefits of the new Information Society accessible and meaningful to the entire population, mainly to raise public awareness and give deserved public recognition to the initiative based on digital applications of the highest quality.

The Urban Platform is a cloud-based solution aimed at enabling efficient territory management. Ubiwhere created it specifically for local governments. It gave decision-makers insight into the progress of the city and the ability to have an efficient and coordinated response to anything that may arise and provide a holistic view of the smart urban environment.

After evaluation by the National Grand Jury led by Sandra Fazenda de Almeida and Prof Roberto Carneiro, Ubiwhere’s Urban Platform was select as one of the eight winning solutions. This nomination means that our product is considered the best in the country in its category - "Government & Citizen Engagement from Portugal".

This way, Urban Platform represents Portugal and is nominated for the World Summit Award 2021 to participate in the WSA global competition in the "Government & Citizen Engagement" category

Portugal continues to give letters in technological innovation to respond to the various challenges of society: the Ubiwhere Urban Platform is one of those good examples.


