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JUN 02 2017

Ubiwhere joins the Smart Lamppost ecosystem


Ubiwhere is proud to announce the creation of the Smart Lamppost ecosystem! With amazing partners such as PROEF, Metalogalva and EFACEC, it will be possible to explore 5G Neutral Hosting and Edge Computing capabilities with real urban furniture: the Smart Lamppost.   

The role of Ubiwhere will be to enhance, validate and exploit URBSENSE using the networking capabilities of the hardware mentioned above. URBSENSE consists of an urban platform responsible for the collection and aggregation of heterogeneous data produced by multiple sources and further provisioning to the municipal decision-makers in the form of urban intelligence. It is the ultimate product that merges the two central sectors and the company's focus areas: Smart Cities and Future Internet (5G).

URBSENSE acts as the city nervous system, with the duty of coordinating its actions and transmitting signals to and from different sections of its "body". Similarly to the human nervous system, it consists of two main parts, the Urban Platform and the Urban Physical Infrastructure OS. It provides an integrated approach for smart cities and city services providers, where it becomes possible to combine multiple vertical domains into a unified ecosystem (Urban Platform), allowing service providers to enhance their operational efficiency and cities to make better decisions based on data collected from diverse sources. More information can be found here.


