This summer, BDVA* put us up to a challenge: telling our story and every bit of our journey through the 5G network ecosystem in a video of 5 minutes.
It is with affection and dedication that we remember our first steps, our first ideas, the origin of our name, and the beginning of the journey towards the innovative footprint that we leave a bit all over the world. And even though our successful implementations didn’t go unnoticed and we have been already recognised for our successful use cases, this was the first time that we had to go this far and search this deep for the moments, the people, and the projects that brought us to where we are today.
We knew it would be a challenging task to describe 13 years of hard work in such a short amount of time, but challenges are what moves us, so we joined our teams and got down to work.
Let’s go from the start! The story of our founders and their motivations to create Ubiwhere from scratch inspires the ones that have passed our home till today. After all, this is our purpose; changing people’s lives for the better a little bit all over the world is what inspires us to come to the office (or to our home workspace) everyday and give the best we have got in every project we embrace.
Nuno and Rui, met each other doing what they did best: research for the Telecommunications field. In 2007, they decided to take the chance and start their own business in the lovely city of Aveiro, in Portugal.
And that’s how from an innate desire to change the world and a strong passion for technology Ubiwhere was born!
A year after its creation, Ubiwhere was already a partner of the largest Telecommunications company in Portugal and had a telecom operator as its customer.
As the team grew, so did the ambition, and in 2009, we decided to take our first telecom solutions into the market opening doors to new partnerships, research and innovation projects, and spin-offs.
As the years went by, we got more and more involved in the European ecosystem of the Telecommunications of the Future, actively participating in research and innovation projects and initiatives at a pan-European level. These initiatives together with strong partnerships and a highly strategic vision gave us the needed technical know-how in 5G technologies and experience for us to become capable of creating innovative products that change the way people face the potential of the telecommunications of the future.
But more than that, it was an inspired and dedicated team that built a strong presence, all over Europe, in the digital world, but most importantly, on people’s minds.
We became enablers of the 5G network in Europe, with more than 80 international partners and 200 projects making 50 cities better places to live.
More than preparing the future for generations to come, we opened the minds of young generations to the infinite opportunities of technology and shaped them always to believe and work towards a better tomorrow.
And once again, we were renowned for it! We participated in BDVA’s “Best Success Story” award, we won, and got the opportunity to present our video at European Big Data Value Forum 2020.
As for the future, we will keep pursuing our motto: turning disruptive ideas into innovative solutions. From vision to reality. See it with your own eyes!
*BDVA, or Big Data Value Association, is non-profit organisation created by the EC that gathers more than 200 European partners, from industries, to research centres, data users and providers and SMEs, among which is Ubiwhere. Its focus is to establish an ecosystem of innovation that leverages a data and AI-based digital transformation in European and promote its leading role in this topic.
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