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ubiwhere Porto, Cologne & Trikala

Smart Cities and Communities

ubiwhere Porto, Cologne & Trikala

EMBERS consisted on the development of a Smart City mobility cloud platform build on the grounds of Ubiwhere’s Smart Parking and Smart Traffic products: Mobility Backend as a Service (MBaaS). MBaaS came to replace all-in-one systems, by allowing the municipalities to purchase devices and apps of several developers, with the only condition being the interoperability with the back-end through the platform’s mobility API. This open API lowered the barriers of access to the developers, facilitating the entry of modern SMEs in the market.

EMBERS brought MBaaS to the market, offering companies and Startups the necessary tools to build their business with easy to use interfaces for traffic, routing, parking and environment monitoring services. Its capacity of response to the urban challenges was validated through trials integrating FIRE+, a hackathon, an app challenge, and pilots held in Porto, Cologne and Trikala.

 This project has received funding from the EU´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687992




