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Route 25


Future Internet and Next-Generation Networks


Route 25 is built upon the motto of “Bringing Portugal to the forefront of human and sustainable transportation technology”.

This Project ultimately aims at placing the Portuguese industry at the top of the mobility value chain, making it ready to shape the future of mobility.


Route 25 will revolve around four main areas:

  • Assisted and Autonomous Driving for Safe Mobility

  • Digital Experience and Adaptive Connectivity for Cooperative Mobility

  • Connected Infrastructures for Resilient and Inclusive Cities

  • Intelligent Infrastructure for Low-Carbon Intercity Mobility


Cooperation between public transport and personal vehicles

Route 25 focuses on cooperation between public transportation and assisted and autonomous vehicles at street and fleet management levels. At street level, Route 25 is looking into ways to prioritise public transportation in cooperative manoeuvres.


Multi-sensing and communications platform for situational awareness in an urban context

Route 25 provides the communication and sensing infrastructure to enable autonomous driving to be deployed in different types of cities.


Ubiwhere’s actions focus on:

Scientific and technological capacity-building projects to be developed, together with the enhancement and dissemination of knowledge in various disciplinary areas

  • Development of cooperation between public transport and personal vehicles

  • Redesign of urban furniture, adaptation of the housing solution, and integration of equipment to enable enhanced mobility services

  • Multi-sensing and communications platform for situational awareness in urban context

  • Development and management of RSU for large mobility infrastructure

  • Multi-sensing platform for situational awareness of large mobility infrastructure


Projects for qualification and internationalization of organizations, including support for the development of platforms and databases

  • Ensure international certification of smart urban furniture

  • Definition of standards to ensure universality of the smart urban furniture


Project co-financed by:


