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Taste Portugal

Smart Cities

A place that gathers all the secrets of portuguese gastronomy

There’s no one who doesn’t love the portuguese gastronomy. Unless he doesn’t know it yet. That’s why AHRESP came to us. 

Taste Portugal presents the places where the Portuguese Gastronomy can be savored to those few people who still never tried a Portuguese dish or have doubts of which to choose:

- NETWORK OF PORTUGUESE RESTAURANTS IN THE WORLD: To structure and implement the first phase of the Network of Portuguese Restaurants in the World, as gastronomic ambassadors are spread across five continents.

- EVENTS AND ACTIONS: Publicize the participation in international events of reference of tourism and gastronomy and promote initiatives that support the establishment of the Network of Portuguese Restaurants in the World

- PORTUGUESE ENDOGENOUS PRODUCTS: A catalog of regional products, qualified and/or gastronomic interest.

- RECIPES: A set of possible regional recipes to be executed in each of the countries where this first phase of Taste Portugal will be developed.

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Between flavours, knowledge, celebrations, scents, landscapes and people, we show the most pure of being portuguese.

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We travel between valleys and mountains, beaches and plains, to present a single and quite tasteful platform.


