Málaga, Barcelona
High-tech and affordable 5G network roll-out to every corner
The large-scale rollout of 5G networks has started becoming a reality, with big vendors deploying 5G network equipment and MNOs being on the verge of its commercialisation. However, in parallel to the deployment of such 5G high-performing networks, there is an unprecedented urge to support solutions tailored to specific types of networks, capable of offering ubiquitous coverage with high data rate availability, densification and high capacity of access points to enhance 5G system capacity.
Affordable5G aims at creating a 5G network that will deliver a complete and affordable solution covering the needs of private and enterprise networks through technical innovation that span across all parts of 5G network, leveraging cell densification, RU/DU/CU split, hardware acceleration, edge computing and core network virtualization, seamlessly combined with the adoption of open source RAN, MEC and MANO solutions, for cloud-native, microservice based deployments.
The innovative solution will be evaluated and validated in two vertical pilots related to emergency communications and smart cities, which have been properly selected as being highly representative in terms of system performance, scalability, mobility patterns, slice types, deployment requirements and impact in the future 5G market.
Ubiwhere will lead the Smart Cities use case taking place in a sport cars circuit (Circuit ParcMotor) in Castellolí (Barcelona), Spain. We will provide a smart urban infrastructure as an integrator of diverse modules delivered by the partners (such as Edge Computing processing) and our urban platform for the unified processing of data collected within the facilities. By integrating a video vigilance camera into the smart urban furniture we will be able to assist security agents on detecting safety issues (such as episodes of violence or theft). The architecture developed by Affordable 5G will allow the creation of a network and edge computing hardware marketplace for the partner entities operating in this business.
Este projeto foi cofinanciado pela UE no âmbito do programa de pesquisa e inovação Horizonte 2020 sob o acordo de subvenção No 952189