This year, we’ve prepared a surprise to celebrate Ubiwhere’s 12th anniversary. A special initiative dedicated to all of those that belong to this home. Each one of us is an essential part that contributes to the success and growth of the company. And it was precisely with this in mind, that the idea of creating a Ubiwhere’s Booklet with all the company's employees was born.
During the anniversary’s celebration, we’ve handed out the booklet and we couldn’t have had better feedback. We felt smiles. We created connection. We became stronger.
After handing out the booklets, throughout October, Ubiwhere’s birthday month, we’ve created several challenges in which our employees could collect their cards. There were interactive moments, games, quizzes. Those were very fun weeks, whose theme of conversation, during lunch hours and breaks of the day, was only one: the booklet of cards.
Besides being able to collect cards in the weekly challenges, our employees quickly found another way to complete their booklet. They started exchanging cards between them, which brought up a whole new dimension to this surprise.
The goal of finishing the booklet became a common goal. Lived by everyone. Conquered by everyone.
From the “Dreamers” of communication to the “Smarties” devoted to cities, from our “Pixel-Perfect” design team to “Machadinhos”, the ones in charge of the development, this booklet has a little piece of each one of us. It’s our booklet. Created by the Design and Marketing and Communication Departments, this was one of the most meaningful moments of 2019. A moment that will be in the memory of all Ubiwhere’s employees, built and lived in our home.
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