NEANIAS is created within the scope of the challenge “Prototyping New Innovative Services” set out in the foreseen actions of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Roadmap. EOSC is an open cloud space developed by the EC with two main purposes: store, process and share all data collected from scientific research and emphasise the part played by Europe in this field at a global scale. The project aims at the co-design, development and integration into EOSC of innovative thematic services resulting from scientific results and revolutionary investigation practices applied on atmospheric, subaquatic, and space investigation. Each one of the developed services, will not only respond to the challenges of each community but also facilitate its effective transition into the concepts of EOSC and the values of Open Science.
NEANIAS will allow wide and flexible distribution of these services and potentiate the identification of avant-garde business cases within the communities involved. Ubiwhere is leading the development of services of Air Quality estimation, monitoring and forecasting and energy loss in cities to enrich and its validation and integration into the EOSC for third party researchers to benefit from. This service will enrich our Urban Platform with new features and allow cities and service providers to benefit from these metrics to optimise air quality or related processes.
This project has received funding from the EU´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 863448