NOV 06 2023
Ubiwhere received the visit from the Secretary of State for the Economy and the President of IAPMEI

On the 30th of October, Ubiwhere received Pedro Cilínio, Secretary of State for the Economy and Luís Guerreiro, President of IAPMEI - Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, at its headquarters in Aveiro. As Ubiwhere belongs to a consortium of two Mobilising Agendas, the purpose of this visit was to present the company and showcase our digital solutions.
In the context of the "Economy with... the automotive cluster" initiative, this visit was part of an outreach programme with companies and organisations linked to the mobility industry. In this way, Ubiwhere showed off its facilities and presented its strategy for delivering technological solutions based on continuous investment in Research and Development, as well as its digital solutions for smart cities and territories, such as the Urban Platform and the Digital Nervous System Testbed.
Mobinov - Cluster Automóvel Portugal suggested this visit, of which we are a partner, which nominated Ubiwhere as a technological provider and critical player in the Smart Cities ecosystem in Portugal. Ubiwhere is grateful for the trust placed in it, promising to continue its excellent research work and to develop solutions that can contribute to a better future. We were honoured to welcome the Secretary of State for the Economy, Pedro Cílinio, and the President of IAPMEI, Luís Guerreiro, to our home. Our doors to innovation are always open!