JUL 14 2022
The Urban Platform in Guimarães is recognised as a Good Practice by the European Commission

Great news for us! In the JCR Technical Report - “Benchmarking the role of the Public Sector and Location Intelligence in Smart Spaces“, the Urban Platform by Ubiwhere implemented in Guimarães was mentioned as an example of evidence-based scientific support for European policy making.
According to the JCR Technical Report: “Smart cities are part of a wider trend, which has a strong element of location - the Smart Space, which includes smart buildings, smart cities, and many more. (...) A Smart Space can be defined as a combination of physical and digital environments in which people and technology-enabled systems interact in dynamic, inter-connected and intelligent ecosystems. Such Smart Spaces represent a new approach in terms of design and integration patterns and architectures to create new outcomes from legacy, new and emerging technologies and services.”
Recognised as a Smart Space, the Urban Platform offers Guimarães a city dashboard that presents information, updated in real-time, from different domains and various sources, such as sensors, platforms, services, and even from citizens themselves. By integrating these sources of information and harmonising the data, real-time opportunities for analysis are noticed, enabling reliable decisions.
The Guimarães City Council, through the Division of Intelligent and Information Systems, implemented the Urban Platform by Ubiwhere to obtain answers to daily challenges through digitalisation, based on data collected in an urban environment.
We appreciate this recognition by the European Commission in the hope of continuing to work towards technological evolution in our cities, making them more sustainable. You can access the document here.