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Ubiwhere provides use-cases for the European Telecommunications Standards Institute | News - Ubiwhere



Bleeding Edge Technologies

with custom Research and Development

JUN 27 2018

Ubiwhere provides use-cases for the European Telecommunications Standards Institute


The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has released its latest technical specifications standard for smart cities. Ubiwhere has shared its experience by providing relevant use-cases for cities to apply this new standard.  

Caption: Smart Parking Solution

Defining simple ways to send or request data and “its context such as the meaning, related information, source or licensing of that data” is the main objective of this specification. According to ETSI, concretely the Cross-cutting Context Information Model (CIM) working group, “There are currently thousands of ways to exchange data between software platforms, each with special benefits and usage conditions. The new ETSI specification does not try to replace them, but offers a ‘lingua franca’ allowing the platforms to cooperate.”

For that purpose, Ubiwhere provides real-life use-cases to support this new standard. Such use cases are needed to fully validate the standard and use the cross-domain information to support users on a daily basis and to support city service providers in managing their smart cities domain in a holistic manner.

The use cases provided by Ubiwhere are based on the sharing of information between parking and traffic systems. Smart Parking applications provide information and services to parking facilities’ managers as well as to drivers searching for parking spots (a cause of considerable congestion in city streets along with drivers’ time wasting). The ultimate goal is to make as easy as possible for drivers to find an acceptable (and available) parking space and the best way to get there, minimising the impact of drivers on congestion/balancing traffic and parking across an area. Compared to existing parking applications already available in some locations, CIM-assisted parking applications will enable the implementation of new, cross-cutting, features for these sort of systems, which will ultimately provide the most effective way of using the parking spaces in the city.

The new standard supports Ubiwhere’s use case by giving it the necessary tools to join two different domains, merging them in a cross-domain manner, representing a significant step for Ubiwhere in the field of R&D in the smart cities sector.


